14 oktober 2004: Draaidag Kuyichi

[dochter van Rob & Sandra 13/10/04]
Sequential Access Method
Surface-to-Air Missile
AmiPro (file extension)
Saginaw Art Museum (Saginaw, Michigan)
Sahabat Alam Malaysia (Friends of the Earth Malaysia)
Salary Administration Manual
Savannah, Americus and Montgomery Railroad Company
Scalable ADSL Modem (Integrated Telcom Express)
Scanning Acoustic Microscopy
Scanning Auger Microscopy
School of Aerospace Medicine
School of Aviation Medicine
Science and Mathematics
Scientific American Medicine
Scoping and Mobilisation
SCSI-3 Architecture Model
Seattle Art Museum
Secret Agent Man
Secure Access Module
Security Account Manager
Security Accounts Manager (Windows registry)
Security Administration Manager
Security Authentication Module
Segment Access Manager
Self Assembling Material
Self Automated Machine
Self-Assembled Monolayer
Semi-Analytic Model (galactic modeling)
Sensor Arrays and Multichannel Signal Processing
Serbia and Montenegro
Serial Access Memory
Service Access Multiplexer (Bellcore)
Service Account Manager
Service Adaptation Module (Tachion)
Service Assurance Manager (Smarts)
Service Automation Module (Opsware)
Servicing And Maintenance
Serving Area Multiplex Sites
Setup Acknowledgment Message (ITI)
Setup and Maintenance
Setup And Maintenance application
Sewer Access Module (robot used to pull fiber through sewers)
Short-Action Magnum (ammunition)
Sigma Alpha Mu
Singapore Art Museum
Single Agency Manager (Pentagon Renovation Project)
Single Asian Male
Single-use Authentication Mechanism (IETF, Kerberos)
Site Acquisition Manager
Sleep/Activity Monitor
Small Alarm Manager (Fibercorp)
Smart-Ass Masochist
Sociedad Aeronáutica de Medellín (airline, Colombia)
Society for Adolescent Medicine
Society for the Advancement of Management
Society of American Magicians (St. Louis, MO, USA)
Software and More
Software Asset Management
Software Automatic Mouth (Apple II)
Soldier Assignment Module
Sound Absorbing Material
Southwestern At Memphis (now Rhodes College)
Space Advisory Message
Space-Available Mail
Special Administrative Measure
Special Air Mission
Specialized Aircraft Maintenance
Spectral Angle Mapper
Speech-Aware Multimedia
Sprint Access Management (Sprint)
Sprint Account Manager (Sprint)
Staff Action Memorandum
Staging Area Manager
Standard Allowable Minutes
Status Activity Monitor
Status of Acquisition Message
Stedelijke Adviesraad Multiculturele Stad Den Haag
Sterile Alpha Motif
Stockage for Availability Method
Stop Annoying Me
Storage Area Management
Strategic Account Manager
Strategic Asset Management
Strategically Altered Mutant
Stratified Anisotropic Media
Stratospheric Aerosol Monitor
Structural Aluminum Malleable (type of splint)
Student Affairs Monitor
Student Assessment and Measurement
Stupid Ass Meeting
Sub-Array Module
Sub-Assembly Module (Bellcore)
Subscriber Access Multiplexer
Subsequent Address Message (CCS #7 ITU-T)
Sum of Available Market
Super-rate Adapter Module (Newbridge)
Supplemental Aid to Maintenance
Supplemental Assay Method
Support Account Manager
Support Agreement Manager
Surveillance/Systems Analysis Model
Symantec Anti-Virus for Macintosh
Synchronous Address Multiplexor
Synchronous/Asynchronous Multiplexer
System Access Module
System Acquisition Manager/Management
System Administration Manager (HP)
System Administration Manual
System Administration Module
System Alteration Modification
System Assimilation Mercator (French)
System Available Memory
Systems Acquisition Management
Systems Activity Model
Systolic Anterior Movement
Failure End-Event
Fatal Exception Error
Federal Environmental Executive
Fédération des Experts Comptables Européens
Florida Engineers in Education
Fördergesellschaft Erneuerbare Energien eV
Formed Element Emboli
Forward Equipment Enclosure (NASA)
Foundation for Environmental Education
Functional Estimating Equation